Tag: love
Cascade Falls – Part One
The light from the lamp flooded over the paper on which she wrote, keeping shadows at bay while the night crept on. Her eyes threatened to shut of their own accord, and fatigue settled into her bones. At times her vision blurred. She found it hard to focus on her task. Every scratch of the ...Green Eyes
The brush slides across my eyelid, painting green and I cannot help the voice I hear: you. “I hope when we have kids they have your eyes.” When the process is complete, I step back. I see the brilliant green shining back, and I see what you meant. But in the depths all I see ...- EnvironmentHome & GardenEntertainmentCultureCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & Autobiographies
A New Chapter
I typically prefer to write fiction, particularly something that involves a bit of creepiness. However, a recent family event inspired me to write something different. My daughter, Rachael, got married on May 10th, 2019. She and her husband, Troy, have now begun an exciting new chapter in their lives. The jubilation everyone felt went beyond ... Refresh: How They Came to Be – Part Three
Read Part One Read Part Two — Armed guards broke down the door and came in single file, breaking off to cover the room. Their laser-sighted weapons pinpointed the heads of both Wex and Paragon. The two raised their hands as a show of surrender. Remus walked in behind them. His face held an edge of disappointment. ...- CreativityParenting & FamilyFictionCurrent Affairs & PoliticsScience & TechnologyCultureEntertainmentDesign, Fashion & Style
Refresh: How They Came To Be – Part Two
Content Warning: Graphic sexual content Read: Part One His heart railed against his chest as though it wanted to escape. The gun felt weighted, heavy enough where the point of the muzzle dipped. But he did not shake. And there, Remus Harbor stood, all smiles, and a blank slate behind grey eyes. He revealed nothing. ... Lucas Meets Ana
“Lucy, what if she wants to kiss me?” Dai asked me, nervously wringing his sun-kissed hands, and dancing around like a toddler doing the potty dance. I looked at my friend as I raised a strawberry blonde eyebrow. His light brown hair looked like a squished porcupine on his head. “Dai I think-Did Dria roll ...Why Do People Stay In Toxic Relationships?
What if someone is struggling with a problem, mental illness, or physical limitations, and you decide to terminate the relationship? Does this make you a “bad” person? What if this person is toxic? Do you stay because they still need help? At what point do you say enough is enough? I am a huge believer ...The Moon’s Chosen People
You know those necklaces the royals wear? You know where they come from? Legend has it that the Moon was bored with among the stars. She wanted a sense of adventure. Sure she was able to watch stars being born from great explosions of light, but once you saw that for millions of years you ...A Prophecy Is Born
I stared at my reflection in the crystal double doors that would lead me to a new life. My face was as pale as the freshly fallen snow outside, almost as if the bouquet of red roses I was clutching in my hand was draining my life force to maintain their vibrant color. My brown ...