Tag: love
Entropy Increases in a Closed System
Entropy is always increasing in a closed system. The chaos, the collisions, the madness surges through the neural pathways until there’s nothing left, but the ashes of an overworked brain. I’m maneuvering in a pool of great struggle, gripping onto what little sanity is around me, only to discover that the waves may reach out ...Why Owning A Pet Can Improve Your Health
Many people don’t realize the impact a pet can have on their life and the life of members of their family. Owning any pet can significantly improve your health in many ways. When people think about having a pet, they think of the obvious pet, such as a cat or a dog, while these are ...Drinking Away My Desire
Your lips are my destine liqueur like a shot of berry Chambord; took a sip, I’m ready for more. Buzzed in the veins, body on the floor. You became a plague in my mind, one too many glasses of wine, feelings without words, undefined fervor reacting like alkali.Still Rolling
So just a quick comment regarding this poem of mine because who does not adore a little backstory: These thoughts poured out of my exhausted brain onto the notes in my iPhone after a stellar night. It took around 12 minutes of me relaxing in a bath tub (it was definitely too small for comfort) ...Put Some Work Into It
The photo’s a bit dated if you’ve seen me recently, but it’s easily one of my favorite nice pictures with my brother and sister. Hannah is a dash of crazy and a hint of silly, the kind of kid that would dance in the middle of the street to make someone laugh. She’s determined to ...Conversation With A Ceiling
Asking the galaxy, “Does he want me?” I glare up at the desolate sky above– or is it just me, casually making conversation with the blank ceiling in my bathroom again? It then responds with, wrinkled fingertips in lukewarm water. Flat buzz of a fan, no revelation. Brewing desire, a clueless boy, ...An Open Letter to My Husband on Our Anniversary
“And you can tell everybody, that this is your song. It may be quite simple, but now that it’s done; I hope you don’t mind, that I put down in words, how wonderful life is while you’re in the world.” -Elton John Dear Husband, We have made it through life together for sixteen years! Can ...At That Time Of Year
Olaf’s Frozen Adventure premiered on ABC Family earlier this month. With my Disney-crazy family, we obviously settled in to watch it that night. With great songs and our favorite Frozen characters, it was hard not to enjoy another addition to our favorite Christmas movies. For those who haven’t seen it (or don’t want to), the movie centers around everyone’s second favorite snowman, Olaf. After ...All I Want for Christmas is My Childhood Back
December ushers in the holidays and the new year. Now that I am older, I find that December gets here sooner every year and flits by even faster. The worry about having enough money to buy everyone a gift begins to set in the first week of December. I go through the motions of putting ...