Tag: Medicine
Pill Dog: Part 5
**********TRIGGER WARNING********** This story is fiction from the author’s mind, but themes contained within are the kidnapping of an adult woman, animal cruelty (forced dog fighting), and abuse (Physical and verbal). If such themes may be upsetting, please read with caution. ******************************************** Roscoe chews on a rubber squeaky ball while Shelby pets him and stares ...- CultureNonfictionCreativityParenting & FamilyScience & TechnologyHealth & WellnessEntertainmentCurrent Affairs & PoliticsLifestyle
Strange Medicine: Hospital Hauntings
Welcome to Strange Medicine—a series of nonfiction articles based on recent journal-published, peer-reviewed case studies, review articles, meta-studies, scientific studies, and primary literature. Each relates to events that made the medical community’s eyes widen and scratch their heads, though, please note that all are significant toward scientific and medical progress because they also forced us ... - Science & TechnologyEnvironmentHealth & WellnessTravelCultureMediaParenting & FamilyMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
Joints and Rollerblades
I loved rollerblading as much as I loved reading. Flying around the skating rink’s smooth, yellow floor. My blonde hair whipped my face as I skated as fast as I could– around and around, but I had to put the rollerblades away and find another activity such as swimming so as to not to aggravate ...