Tag: OCD
Lord, Please Allow Me One Normal Unextraordinary Day
During my youth, planning my future was a full-time job. I dreamed of every detail. I knew I wanted to be a mother. God’s plan was never in doubt for me. I created timelines in my head for my perfectly normal life. The straight path we would follow. Instead, we are on a twisty, dark ...- CultureLifestyleNonfictionMediaParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsEnvironmentMemoir & AutobiographiesHealth & WellnessHome & Garden
Adult Children Of Narcissistic Abuse: The Struggle To Survive
If you are that partner in crime… please leave now and get your innocent, helpless children out of that toxic environment. Stop waiting. Things are not going to get better. Your partner is not going to change. The fact that they’re sweet one moment isn’t going to stop them from becoming that monster a few ... Executive Function
I have always believed that there was something wrong with me. I didn’t know what it was—whether it was a learning disorder, ADD, or something else entirely—but I knew something wasn’t quite “right.” Growing up, I excelled in school. Without sounding conceited, I am a fairly intelligent person and a quick learner. Due to my ...