Tag: preparation
NaNo Rituals
As this year’s long march to the 50K mark begins, there are many plots and cups of coffee brewing. Everyone has their own style of writing: Planner, Pantser, or a Plantser. Each person’s approach to making the 1667 word per day quota is as unique as the participating writers. This my tenth year participating in ...National Disability Employment Awareness Month: Tips For Preparing For An Interview
National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is a national campaign in October aimed at raising awareness surrounding employment issues for people with disabilities and celebrates the many contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. NDEAM’s began in 1945 when Congress passed the law stating that the first week in October each year would be National Employ ...- Parenting & FamilyHome & GardenTravelCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCultureLifestyleEnvironmentHealth & Wellness
COVID-19—Protect Yourself
COVID-19 has changed our world in scary ways. But no one can protect you better than yourself, and knowledge is the best way to do that. Here are the current facts and recommendations that will help keep you safe. CURRENT STATE OF THE WORLD At the end of May, the world moved toward business as ...