• Photo Credit @ Martyn Cook

    We all deal with grief differently. My little sister reads sad quotes on Pinterest that express how she feels better than she can. My brother doesn’t like to get out at the cemetery because it makes Dad’s death real. I write and publish my reflections on grief for strangers to read. Writing about it is ...
  • 1638

    I understand that yesterday was steep; so is today, so will tomorrow be.
  • 1893

    The wet tile floor firm against my cheek. If I could have drowned in my tears… I would have removed my life vest without hesitation.   I shielded the truth by turning on the fan and shower water, by locking the bathroom doors, and by keeping this tale an undisturbed secret— until today.   I ...
  • 1288

    The whole situation is just like weird. I miss him, I truly do. I am not really sure what aspect in particular, but I do know I miss him. Which I guess is a normal part of a break up. Our drive was not long nor short; it still wore down the tires. But the ...
  • 1792

    I close my eyes, I see myself in the mirror. Reflecting back is all I wish not to see. I stare at my walk to school this morning– oh, how the deceptive sun convinced me not to bring a jacket. Oh, how the trees overcame the crash of the wind, but I still felt its ...
  • 1432

    Asking the galaxy, “Does he want me?” I glare up at the desolate sky above– or is it just me, casually making conversation with the blank ceiling in my bathroom again?   It then responds with, wrinkled fingertips in lukewarm water.   Flat buzz of a fan, no revelation.   Brewing desire, a clueless boy, ...
  • 1297

    Birthdays Are Becoming Just Another Day Two weeks ago, I turned 24-years-old. On the days approaching my birthday, I was ecstatic. “Hell yeah, I’m going to be 24!” I thought of past birthdays and reminisced on the past year of being 23. I even woke up that morning to “On This Day” notifications from Facebook, ...