Tag: self-esteem
Confessions of a Gypsy
I knew this dayWould one dayCome upon me. All aloneIn the coldGentle Breeze. The soft windCombs throughMy Auburn hair. I shiver in solitude,Believing it myEntire existence. But what should IA maiden solely beAssured by my volition? Why should I care?I walk alone withA gentle creed. “Me, myself, and I,”I say to thine own self,Fueled not ...Void
Void – to be withoutThe lack thereofNot validNothing of value Constant reminders thatYour hair should be bone straightVoid of its waves, kinks and curls You are fooled into thinkingThat your body should be leanWith your collar bones protruding That your curves are too lewd, nasty or sexyYour breasts are taunting, tantalizingly or crudeYour lips too ...Writing Woes
Stress is like that friend who you have known for your whole life who makes annoying life decisions. You know they’ll pop up at the worst times with a crisis that needs to be addressed immediately. They won’t ever go away, but sometimes they behave. I do not handle stress well. I bottle a lot ...Carve A Little Joy
The past few months have been rough for me. I’ve had to deal with my confidence being crushed by someone important to me. My whole life, I’ve worried that I’m a burden to everyone I know. My family and friends have done everything they possibly can to assure me that they are glad I exist. ...Tired Talks
I hate writer’s block. I know some people don’t believe it exists. My writer’s block this week is a combination of sleep deprivation and the fact that I have been dealing with a lot of physical stress. I know the simple solution would be to drink some coffee, I’m trying to wean myself off of ...Will You Accept This Submission?
I’m the type of person who hates failing. The idea of getting behind, or not turning in good quality work makes me anxious. I’ve always prided myself on being able to check in with myself. There have always been certain aspects of my personality I knew without a doubt. My “talent” as a writer is ...The Curse Of The Blinking Cursor
The plight of the blinking cursor is something that plagues me often. It usually means that every word I write seems like it was written by someone who is writing their very first sentence. My solution to this problem usually is to read some of my favorite authors. I started this because one of my ...Your Biggest Fan
Love, laugh, live They promise us much with these words Heartbreak, sadness, death This is the reality of life Our world is full of pain and problems We lose ourselves in the depth of it all We fight to stay afloat But we drown piece by piece Everyone claims to have the answer They never ...To The Teacher Who Didn’t Give Me A Chance
To the teacher who didn’t care, All I wanted was a chance. A chance to do what I loved. It wasn’t just a hobby to me; it’s what I loved most in the world. By not giving me a chance, you took that away from me. It’s been over 10 years since I quit my ...