Tag: stress coping skills
5 Tips for Juggling Small Children When Leaving Home
Now that you have two, your time to get out of the house doubles! It’s frustrating! You have double to do and less time to do it in—particularly if you are breastfeeding. So here are some tips to get the process from 1 hr. + down to 30 mins! Most moms would agree that going ...Escaping The Holiday Red Zone
Just a few hours before a writing deadline, and here I am, staring at a blank page like a kitten asked to do math. What’s the problem? The problem is that this time of year is crazy busy and my brain is working on 862,000 different items, causing the worst case of brain fog I’ve ...- Home & GardenCurrent Affairs & PoliticsLifestyleCultureNonfictionMediaBusinessParenting & FamilyEnvironmentSelf-Help & RelationshipsHealth & WellnessMemoir & Autobiographies
Back To The Rat Race?
It’s been a long year and a half since the pandemic hit our shores. There has been a lot of hand sanitizer under the bridge, making the time seem both elongated and truncated. Working from home turned into the new norm. Except, of course, for our front-line workers. Slowly, the rest of the workforce has ...