Tag: thankful
A swirling shell That holds inside Beauty and bounty Under the guise Of tart apples, sweet corn, Juicy grapes, and zesty squash Waiting for hungry visitors To arrive and nosh Leaves twirl downwards Around the banquet But people don’t come They tend to forget What true beauty and bounty Is needed for life ...- Home & GardenEntertainmentCultureLifestyleCreativityEnvironmentParenting & FamilyHealth & WellnessSelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & Autobiographies
30 Days Of Thankfulness And Gratitude
It is easy to get so consumed with our busy schedules in our day-to-day lives that we forget to take the time to step back recognize what we are grateful for, whether they are simple things or complex. I am 100% guilty of being so focused and not taking enough time out of my days ... Joyful Laughter
Everyone was laughing, Everyone was dancing under the midnight sky, It was a joyous night, Filled with hope and love, The world we are in; is now our peaceful place, Filled with laughter and joy, We can dance the night away, We can fill our souls with this joyful laughter…Chosen Sisters
You’re my sister You chose me It wasn’t because of biology You just love me. I had 3 different numbers for you When I wouldn’t hear from you I wasn’t concerned You were working Living your life. I would see you next time we came home Maybe we would finally get Chipotle I thought you, ...- CultureCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsHealth & WellnessMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
5 Ways To Remain Thankful
Life can he hard, messy, draining, and weight crushing. Sometimes it feels like you’ve been hit by a bus. Bruised and tired, you sometimes get angry and ask yourself why is this happening to me? I find that even on my hardest of days, if I can change my attitude to one of gratefulness, I ...