Tag: thankfulness
Why must we behave like starving, hollow children? Always desiring more when our bellies are full. We glance at one another on this earth, allowing ourselves to act like Cain and Abel. “This is not fair!” a fellow soul cries out, as the individual takes their well-earned reward. Treasure that fills the other with envy ...Never Forget The Important Things
as the end of the year approaches,we gather with loved ones far and neargiving thanks for things that have come beforeand offering hope for things not yet to pass it’s a chance for us to grow closer to our familiesto spend time with friendssometimes, though, we forget the meaning of the gatheringthat it’s not about ...Cornucopia
A swirling shell That holds inside Beauty and bounty Under the guise Of tart apples, sweet corn, Juicy grapes, and zesty squash Waiting for hungry visitors To arrive and nosh Leaves twirl downwards Around the banquet But people don’t come They tend to forget What true beauty and bounty Is needed for life ...- NonfictionHealth & WellnessParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesLifestyle
An Overdue Thank You
I was born 11 weeks early and had bleeding on the left side of my brain. They diagnosed me with Cerebral Palsy at six months old. I am grateful for my teachers, parents, family, friends, and other loved ones who have helped me become the person I am today. A large part of growing up ...