Tag: tips and tricks
Remember To Play
Imposter syndrome is real. A novel idea that won’t go away. Stories that stay in drawers won’t become the next literary phenomenon. Writing can be torture. Each word feels like navigating a field of Legos barefoot in total darkness. After a few sore toes with a stream of curse words, the end is in sight. ...- Home & GardenCultureDesign, Fashion & StyleScience & TechnologyNonfictionMediaMemoir & Autobiographies
NaNoWriMo: 7 Tips for Success
Every November, there is a goal-oriented writing event called NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. Starting on November 1st, participants can go onto the website and keep track of their word count. It keeps track of your progress, shows the average word count you need ... 5 Websites Every College Student Should Know About
College often feels like you’re balancing four textbooks on a thin pole while you ride a unicycle over a tank of piranhas. I’m about to start my junior year at Rogers State University, so I understand what you’re going through. I spend so much time searching for resources to help me finish every new assignment ...A Procrastinator’s Guide to College Coursework
Hi. My name is Jordan Ballard. I am a sophomore in college, and I am a procrastinator. I will put assignments off until the night before, ignore the due dates, and pretend that I don’t have homework to avoid doing it. I’m sure you’ve done it. Your friends have done it. Procrastination is a fact ...