Tag: writing
8 Reasons Why Distance Learning During COVID-19 Isn’t The Same As Traditional Homeschooling
After over a month and a half in social distance, parents with children are neck-deep in online distance learning. There is a sense of community as we share frustration over a slow internet connection, difficult platforms, restless students, and numberless interruptions to our daily routine. Another thing we shared was the experience. Pictures of children ...The Curse Of The Blinking Cursor
The plight of the blinking cursor is something that plagues me often. It usually means that every word I write seems like it was written by someone who is writing their very first sentence. My solution to this problem usually is to read some of my favorite authors. I started this because one of my ...The Lost One – Part One
Kelgen stood amidst a dying forest, barren in the coming autumn, and looked up. Jethus hung by his neck from the branch of a large oak. The rope that strangled his throat had been pinned down by a stake at one end then tossed over the branch, where he was then forced from this life ...- CreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionHome & GardenHealth & WellnessEntertainment
Everybody Hates Kris (Joker Fanfiction), Part One
**Trigger warnings:** Domestic, Emotional, Physical, and Verbal Abuse. Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Bullying, Violent Content, Mental Illness *** ***Disclaimer: This is a work of Fanfiction, as none of the content are my original work. The characters are created by DC comics. The content belongs to Warner Bros and DC, as the film was directed by Todd Phillips ... Writing Sprints: The Savior Of My Writing Process
I have written articles about how I have a lot of anxiety about the amount of time it takes me to physically type words. I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned that sometimes I get so frustrated I don’t even bother writing that day. I’ve figured a way around that. There are these magical things called writing ...Bay Mare’s Foal
Trees and grass, the Bay mare’s protection One spring night. Breathing heavily – No wind, No threat in sight. Her colt lies beside her, Touching noses.The Awakening, A Poem About Creativity
Is life as easy as one thinks it is? I’ve asked that countless times, On a personal quest, Like rubbing a crystal ball, Expecting the future to be revealed, Decoded with enough grandeur to stand on mountains. It used to make sense to me, Like a fantasy RPG game, Pick a character, achieve goals, Maybe ...The Dream, The Dreamer (A Poem)
She is The Dreamer Of fiery lock and hazel orb Looking into the distance with an eager eye Upon the horizon she sees And oh, she saw The Dream in which The Dreamer wanted Yet it was not to be Or perhaps just not right away It clouded the Dream over Blown from view Only ...- TravelScience & TechnologyCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsEnvironmentFictionHome & Garden
At Journey’s End – A Short Fiction
Adrift in the cold empty of space, white dots twinkling amidst the black, a ship floated as a carcass would down river. Its single passenger inside shivered in the growing chill, a blanket wrapped about her person. She gazed through the front shield as her teeth chattered. Pain soaked in her veins, and even the ... The Box From Her Dreams
When would my nightmares end? My mother said not to worry; she said that these dreams are a product of my worries. We struggled day by day to put food on the table. No one had yet to hire me, and my father lost his job. At the time, I thought maybe she was right. ...