Tag: writing
Genres I Love Writing
As I mentioned in my last post, you can write anything, anywhere, at anytime. Let’s emphasize for a moment the anything. As an aspiring writer, that word- “anything” is terrifying. When I first sat down to start writing seriously, I wondered briefly what to write. After an internal dialogue (re: talking to myself), I realized ...Spied: Part 2
Who has been watching me from this home? This had me wondering as I looked all over the house. The rooms were empty as I looked at each one. Everything around the house was dusty and old. Filled with cobwebs, I decided to step up to the spiraling staircase again for the fifth time that ...- CultureScience & TechnologyCreativityEntertainmentSelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionMemoir & Autobiographies
Writing Butterflies
My creative writing teachers in college always used to say there was no such thing as writer’s block. They said as long as you sat down to write something would end up on the page eventually. I usually don’t have this issue because I have a cast of characters who will comment on anything from ... - Memoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenEnvironmentHealth & WellnessParenting & FamilySelf-Help & Relationships
Fake Friend Or True Friend
Recently, a fellow co-writer wrote an article about a so-called friend that completely judged her and said some very cruel things. She left the girl’s name out of her article but included the mean-spirited message she had received. It stirred something in me. This co-writer is an unbelievably kind, giving, and talented writer and editor, ... Hallows Hotel – Part 1
Jenna and Deedee stood in front of the aged castle-like hotel, looking upward toward the turrets. The building dated back to the 1800s and held a disturbing history. Until fifty years ago, it served as an insane asylum with many reported deaths. The repurposing and remodeling of the old structure had seemingly carried some of ...The Best Things About Writing
The following article might end up reading less like a “best of” type of listicle and more like a fangirl trying to persuade you to get with her program. The writing program, that is. I’m fun at parties, trust me. With that said, let’s start with an introduction: hi, I’m a twenty-year-old aspiring author. There’s something ...A Dark the Sun Loved – Part One
Mila carried a baby in her arms. The street on which she limped down shrouded in the pitch of night. A cold breeze blew in and attacked her face, fingered her hair. She held the baby tighter to her chest. Cars still being eaten by flames from the inside out cast a weak orange glow ...From the Hero Who Lost
One hour and thirty minutes ago, my life was normal. Then he walked in, and everything exploded. I don’t mean that metaphorically. I’m not trying to exaggerate. Nor am I trying to deceive by telling a tale that is blown out of proportions. I mean that literally, everything exploded. One minute, I was sipping iced ...The Intruder: A 300 Word Thriller
Bllrrrrt! Blrrt! Cruuncchh! I jolted awake. My eyes sprang open, and I scanned my lake house bedroom. An apparent power outage obliterated all lighting, leaving me shrouded in darkness. My heart raced, and I struggled to determine the source of the noise that jarred me from my slumber. I reached down and patted the bed ...