• clouds in the sky

    I flymy kitesky highand cry“Bye-bye, bright knight!”and sigh. My eyesdrip dryin spiteof rite. And Ishyeyes dry,smile – “Bright knightDeep skyawaits thee –fly.”
  • holding hands

    “I love you,” you said.   I became short of breath.“What do you love?”I asked.    “I love you,”you said, smiling.   “What parts of me don’t you love?” I asked sheepishly.   “I love you,” you kept saying, passing your hand through my unkempt hair.   “You don’t love my unkempt hair,”I protested.   “I love ...
  • Writing, group meeting

    Recommit Yourself We are two weeks into November. I’m supposed to have over 25,000 words. My document has a pitiful 200. Most people would give up. The average word count to win would be 5,000 words or more daily. My best day is 2,000. The next step for me is to recommit to my story. ...
  • Writing

    November is a time for good food, embracing body hair, and the start of the holiday season. Starbucks comes out with their holiday drinks just in time for me to drown my writing woes in Caramel Brûlée. Nanowrimo is here. The time of year when I question if this was the correct career choice because ...
  • Chameleon

    The Chameleon says to her Mom, “I want to be many creatures and do many things, all at once.” Mom tells her she cannot be any more than one creature at a time, and cannot do more than one thing at a time. She has to pick one. But Chameleon can’t. Her mind travels fast ...
  • woman watching the ocean

    I love to be rightwhen it bringsclarity.I feel giddy with wisdom. I hate to be rightwhen it highlights signs of separation and magnifies heartache.Then I feel frozenwatching you shivering. Feeling right,I could do withoutsince it’s not a feeling but a state of mind,And what if I’m not?
  • whale in the ocean

    I’m an animal person, so any story involving animals is bound to get at my emotions. Recently, I came across a Facebook post about “the loneliest whale,” which broke my heart. So, of course, I had to research this poor creature. According to the Facebook post, this particular whale calls out at a different frequency ...
  • flowers on fence

    A man comes homefrom the outside world. He beams at his wife, and his heart glowsHis family is the reason for his struggle throughout the day,The reflection of his achievements is ingrained in his family He doesn’t need his wife to whisper words of love,even though they sound pleasantHis wife is his pleasureHe doesn’t need ...
  • Dog covering face

    Everyone has a week where things didn’t exactly go as planned. This can be extremely frustrating for any number of reasons. Last week, I planned to finish a book that I was given to beta read, and I couldn’t touch it at all because I was so tired. This week I’m making good progress, and ...
  • Yellow flowers

    Cool air from the fan caresses my cheek,thin nostrils suck the draftand repel itas an afterthought.Hurried fingertips play the keyboard,and curious eyes follow the characters on the screen. After a while,Rosy lips curl in a smile –A poem is born. Can you hear its pulse?