Time To Dream

Recommit Yourself
We are two weeks into November. I’m supposed to have over 25,000 words. My document has a pitiful 200. Most people would give up. The average word count to win would be 5,000 words or more daily. My best day is 2,000. The next step for me is to recommit to my story. This story, or some variation, has been in my head for seven years. Whenever I tell myself I will finally finish it, I convince myself that someone else could write the story.
I love when scenes play in my head like a movie, and the words flow from me. Every story starts with one word. Words turn into sentences. Sentences turn into paragraphs.
A Goal Takes More Than Talent
A goal always starts with an idea. You get inspired by something, and then you find a way to bring your vision to life.
Talent is a funny concept because it’s more about the work you put into something. You could be a fantastic artist, but if you never create any art because you don’t enjoy it, then the world will never know.
Writing is a similar situation for me. The first book I wrote was about my dog when I was six.
Throughout the years, I proceeded to take a chunk of time out of my year and write a story. Mom would read the stories and give me feedback, but I never won anything.
There are countless ideas in my head for various different novels, but they stay as half-finished documents on my phone. Do you ever wonder if you are scared of succeeding?
Dedicate Time
The truth is, most people don’t have instant success in their chosen field. People work at it. Sometimes work requires failure, but have you thought about what you would do if you succeeded? It’s okay; most people don’t. Humans come up with different paths to survive. You don’t have to finish a book in a month to follow your dreams. You do have to make time for them, though. Don’t think about what happens if you fail. Obviously, don’t massively change anything without a guarantee. Dedicate some time to your dream. It’s worth it, and who knows where it will take you?