The Magic Of Storytelling
The sun disappeared into the water as Baylee settled at Valerie’s bonfire. She gazed at the blazing flames as she dug her skinny toes into the sand.
“Why are you way back here?” Silas asked as he approached. “Come join the fun. The water feels awesome.”
“I am not a big swimmer…” Baylee replied with a kind smile. “Thanks though.”
“Oh, I mean you don’t have to get in,” Silas said. “I’m saying there’s a closer spot.”
“I would, but…I can’t,” Baylee frowned.
Baylee blushed as Silas raised his eyebrow. Silas was a broad, muscular guy with caramel skin and big green eyes.
“I know most people find the beach relaxing…” Baylee answered. “When I stand close to the shore at the high tide or even watch the waves hit, I become dizzy and sick to my stomach.”
She hated sounding like a weirdo in front of such a hottie.
“I know it sounds ridiculous… It is like the ocean affects my insides or something,” she explained. “I don’t know why.”
“That’s unique,” Silas responded. “Maybe you’re a mermaid.”
Baylee let out nervous giggles as he winked at her.
“Maybe so.”
“She should not be here.”
“You know the rules. Stop spying on your sister.”
“She is putting herself in danger,” Kai huffed as he put down his golden seashell. “Probably for that puny mortal.”
His shiny pinkish-orange tale created ripples as he swung around. Azalea rolled her crystal blue eyes and swam closer to him. Her dark greenish-gold scales glimmered as her tail swayed back and forth. Her voice was soft and clear.
“She is not even close to the water. She is being cautious,” she replied. “She is not a little girl anymore.”
She patted his broad shoulder.
“That is what I’m afraid,” Kai clenched his fits. “Mortals like him will tarnish her pureness.”
“Not all mortals are bad,” Azalea asserted. “Baylee wouldn’t be alive if that were so.”
17 years ago
“Hurry, Noah! My father is not far. He will kill both of you.” Azalea exclaimed as she handed over a baby girl. “Save our baby. The ocean is poisoning her heart.”
The baby was purple in the face and her chest was still. Noah frowned and shook his head. He was slim and muscular with brown wavy hair and honey-colored eyes.
“I can’t leave you. I love you,” Noah protested. “She needs her mother. Kai is going to ask about her.”
“Azalea, where are you,” a deep voice echoed nearby.
Tears started to pour down her porcelain face.
“I will figure it out. Just go,” Azalea cried. “Please save her.”
“I promise,” Noah nodded. “I love you.”
“I love you,” Azalea replied as she caressed his face. “More than you’d ever know.”
I hope you have enjoyed this short story. Today is National Tell A Story Day. It does not matter if the story is short or long, fiction or nonfiction, a tall tale, or folklore. National Tell A Story Day is a day for them all. I encourage you to tell your stories and even share them on social media. There is nothing like the magic of storytelling.