Waiting For A Moment

***Disclaimer: This is a work of Fan Fiction. It is an adaptation of the Riddick films. Characters created by David Twohy, Jim Wheat (based on characters created by), Ken Wheat (based on characters created by).. This story is not associated with Universal Pictures or Vin Diesel adaptations, or their added characters, or story elements. ***
I have no idea why I even signed up for this. Is the money worth it? To be trapped here on this cold, godforsaken planet without any of the proper resources needed? Most would say no, but the money was good, enough that I could retire and never have to worry about a thing. So the young woman thought as she tightened the fur-lined coat tighter around her body. Ariadne had pilfered it in a market two planets back, and now she was wishing she had the forethought to gather more cold-weather gear. She had nothing to cover her face, but she wished she had. Ariadne could feel the bite of the wind as it chapped her skin. She could taste the moisture in the air and the cold bitterness of the snow.
Ariadne had convinced herself and the others that she was hunting down this convict for nothing more than the paycheck. Of course, she was lying to them all. The only person more dangerous than herself was the man they were hunting. He was the most feared convict in the entire universe, and no slam had been able to hold him. Oh yes, Ariadne understood who she was going after, but that didn’t matter. They’d made a promise to each other that if they were to ever get separated, they would come looking for the other. Even if it meant that she had to travel halfway across the galaxy.
She had tracked his trail down here to this cold planet, but he was long gone. Oh, Ariadne had an idea where he was, and she knew they were coming for her. She had to bide her time. That was easier said than done, considering she was stuck here. The ship she had been on crashed, and Ariadne was the only one that managed to survive. Of course, if the damned pilot had listened to her, they wouldn’t have hit the outcropping that jutted out at them. She was a woman, though, and most mercs that were men didn’t pay her any mind. They couldn’t believe that she knew what she was talking about.
So instead, Ariadne wandered back to her cave, hoping for someone to find her. In the back of her mind, she had a nagging feeling that he was on his way, and it would only be a matter of time. She needed to hold out, to keep herself calm as she waited. Inside her cave, it was warmer, and there was food if you knew where to find it. For some strange reason, the ice that surrounded this planet could be warm enough if you buried yourself deep enough. Time was the only factor. Could she hold out long enough for his return?