What Did You Miss?

With the election coming up, politics has been on the minds of voters across the country. Who won the debate, who has COVID, who did this or said that encompasses the attention and emotional focus of the country. But while all this has been going on, what did you miss?
If you have been in the depths of the political abyss and recently realized that, yes, the world is still spinning and time and seasons are changing, don’t despair. You may have missed the peak of foliage season (and it has been vibrant and glorious), but there are still plenty of seasonal interests left for enjoyment. Here are ten activities you and your friends and family can do now for little or no cost:
1. Hay! Not HEY!

Leave rude comments, scathing personal editorials, and negativity behind and enjoy some time riding in a wagon. Whether it is pulled behind a tractor or horses, the fresh, crisp air will brighten your mood and give you an appreciation for the natural beauty of the season.
2. Caramel Apples

Your sweet tooth will positively influence the rest of your brain when you dip slices of apples into caramel. Smooth gooeyness does wonders for the soul. If you are handy in the kitchen, you could even make caramel apples on a stick. Either way, the same wonderful taste hits all the notes for the fall season.
3. Pumpkin Spice

It may seem cliché, but this time of years screams pumpkin spice for everything. Tea, coffee, candles, cookies, and whatever else holds taste or scent sports of the season’s most popular flavor.
4. Pick Your Own Pumpkins

If you enjoy pumpkins spice, why not go for the real deal? Does anything scream “fall” more than a sunny day out in a pumpkin patch? Fresh pumpkins can be very versatile. You can use them for pie, decoration, pie, jack-o-lanterns, pie, seasonal flower containers, and did I mention pie?
5. Bonfires

Just because the temperatures have fallen doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some outdoor time. Bonfires are fun and warm, especially in the autumn. It is a great way to spend time with friends roasting marshmallows, chatting, playing games, or telling ghost stories.
6. Jump!

When the foliage has turned from vibrant adornment to bright carpeting on the lawn, it’s time to have a fun family outing. Raking leaves into a big pile isn’t just for the kiddoes. There are so many variations of this activity that it will become a favorite. You can have several piles and let the kids dig for treasure, bury family and friends, design forts, or make up a new version. Just be sure to check for bugs after the fun is over.
7. Go Hunting

Whether your yard is small or large, a scavenger hunt can be a memorable and fun way to be creative. Parents can hind small items around the property, leaving small clues for the kids to follow. Or you can make up a list of common bugs and natural items found on the property. Our favorite version has been to let the kids create the hunt for each other. Their creativity always makes for excitement and adventure.
8. Run For It

There are many 5K events scheduled throughout the fall. Running in the fall is cooler and more pleasant than running in the heat of summer. Due to COVID-19, most events are held virtually this year, but you can still enter and get plenty of swag to back up your brag for a race. Most importantly, many of the events are for a good cause. Even if you don’t run, you can walk the 5K. Why not give back and get a little exercise to take off the quarantine weight at the same time?
9. Leaf It

Leaves are in abundance, so why not put them to good use? Crafting with leaves has no end. You can paint them, decoupage them to jars, create garlands, or do almost any craft with leaves. They are disposable, so you don’t have to worry about storage space, and they are free, so the cost of the crafts is minimal.
10. Embrace It

The cooler weather means many people look forward to winter—some with happy anticipation, others…not so much. However, before the snow flies, now is the time to get in the practice of cozying up. Not in the mood to go for a hike, ride, run, or walk? Then it is time to put on your favorite fall sweater, grab some pumpkin spice tea, light a maple scented candle, and curl up with a good book.
If you have been wrapped up in current events, don’t despair. There is still plenty of autumn left to enjoy. Take a break from all the negativity and enjoy life this glorious season. Don’t let the current social and political climate rob you of the activities and happiness available to you now. Stop and smell the pumpkin spice.