What is Life?

I’m awakened
by the piercing sound of woeful screams
The wind has stopped in recognition of a loss
The sun has dimmed her smile in response to a man’s pain
An exchange seems to have been made
A soul has left a home
And is being replaced by wondering and tears
What is life?
It’s the splitting smiles that demarcate our faces daily
It’s the water puddles that are graced with the happy feet of toddlers
It’s the music that blasts from a vacation ride
It’s the lullaby that hypnotizes loved ones to sleep
What is life?
It’s the hurdles that decorate our days
In the painful comfort of persevered achievements
It’s the longing gaze of lovers trapped in each other’s eyes
It’s the travail that births joy’s first cry
What is life?
It’s the wrinkle lines that carve our inevitable fates
It’s the hand of aid we lend to mend
It’s the privilege to laugh and weep with kin and blood
What is life?
It’s the last goodbye we say in demise.