25 Reasons Why I Write

Why do I write?
It’s a loaded question for any author because everyone has a different reason. I’m not in it for the money or the recognition that comes with writing. There’s not just one reason why I’ve chosen this path for myself. I couldn’t even narrow the list down to the top 10 reasons why. Instead of my top 10, here are the 25 reasons why I write!
- No one listens to me unless I make them.
- The worlds I write about belong to me. I want others to enjoy it.
- People told me I could, and I believed them.
- I don’t know how to do anything else.
- The voices in my head deserve to be heard.
- There are some things I don’t think I can say out loud.
- I want to know what happens next.
- My characters might kill me in my sleep if I didn’t write about them.
- I’m the person I wish to be in my head.
- I’m in love with worlds that don’t exist anywhere but in my head.
- Someone out there desperately needs my story.
- I want to create something magical.
- My brain won’t shut up.
- I have so many stories to share with the world.
- It’s a way of working through my own grief.
- There’s a storm inside me that I can’t settle.
- Stories are the one thing I don’t have to compromise for someone else.
- I am lucky enough to have something that I want to say.
- Stories are more than just words on a page.
- There are some feelings you can’t work out any other way.
- Feeding people to dragons isn’t realistic when I’m mad.
- I don’t want to forget the way words make me feel.
- The world deserves to know what I think about them.
- No one can tell me what to write or how to write it.
- Making people act out the stories in my head is kidnapping.
Writing makes me feel like I’m a part of something bigger than this life. It gives me a purpose and reason to keep going when I don’t feel like getting out of bed. I don’t write because I want to. I write because I have to.