An Overdue Thank You
I was born 11 weeks early and had bleeding on the left side of my brain. They diagnosed me with Cerebral Palsy at six months old. I am grateful for my teachers, parents, family, friends, and other loved ones who have helped me become the person I am today. A large part of growing up with Cerebral Palsy involved going to Physical and Occupational Therapy.
Physical Therapy focused on strength and keeping my body in the best condition so I could get through life and not be exhausted. Occupational therapy helped with things like showing me how to use a grabber to pick things up off the floor. We worked on handwriting and typing.
Occupational Therapy gave me tools to help with my dexterity. There was a lot of overlap over the years. They both worked on me transferring myself out of my chair. They both worked on helping me be as independent as possible in my daily life. I had a handful of both types of therapists during my life. They were like another set of parents. I respect them so much because they each cared about me in their way. I’ve lost contact with most of them through the years. They probably won’t even read this, but if they happen to come across it: thank you for everything you did for me. I’m not the easiest person to get along with sometimes. I hope that if you knew me before I was ten years old. I’m not as big of a brat anymore, and I hope you still use me as one of your success stories to other little nightmares like me. I love you all, and I hope you have the best lives. I know you are out there changing other people’s lives the way you changed mine.
For those just starting their Physical, Occupational, or even Counseling therapy. It may seem annoying or repetitive sometimes. Trust me; even if it doesn’t exactly help you in the way you think it will, you are learning something that will help you in the future.
Featured Photo by Geralt courtesy of Pixabay
a heartfelt piece Stephanie and beautifully written 🙂