Author: Lisa Post
- EnvironmentCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesLifestyle
So This Is How It Goes
I’ve no one to blameI supposebut myself.Isn’t that what they say?It’s my fault.I made the choicesI face the consequences. So this is how it ... - MediaMemoir & AutobiographiesEnvironmentScience & TechnologyLifestyleNonfictionCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCulture
Shut Up And Sit Down
Censorship is a hot topic due to recent events. Social media censorship is even more disputed. There is a difference between the freedom of ... Jack Frost’s Temper Tantrum
New Year’s day dawns andthe world is encased in glassmy driveway and roadmasquerade as an ice rink. Jack Frost’s temper tantrum.Anticipation
The road is wet butcrystals adorn my windowSnow falls on the ridge.Like curtains, it opens to reveal winter’s intentions.Winter’s Birth
I couldn’t keep my eyes from the windows in the classroom. I taught lessons, corrected papers, assigned homework, and answered questions. But I wasn’t ...- NonfictionCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsEnvironmentMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenLifestyleCulture
Seize The Holidays
It’s Thanksgiving week and Christmas is right on its heels. For my family, like many others, this season is about surprises, secrets, and seeing ... - LifestyleNonfictionCurrent Affairs & PoliticsCultureEnvironmentHealth & WellnessMediaSelf-Help & Relationships
Certain Uncertainties
While brainstorming ideas for this week’s article, I thought about current events in our country. They are hard to miss. It seems that COVID-19 ...