Author: Scarlett Faye
Lover’s Revival
Oh sanctify me!My Savior! Your embraceis all I need. Your skinholy salvation. “Stay Away,”They told me. How could I?We’re magnets. Destined to bedrawn to ...Until Forever, Part One
It happened again, like many times. The sheer euphoria of being beside her, the moonlight cascading her bare skin. Her angelic face with a ...One Nation
If they could see us now,What would they think? What would they comprehend?With poor souls like us A melting pot of a nationWith towers ...Confessions of a Gypsy
I knew this dayWould one dayCome upon me. All aloneIn the coldGentle Breeze. The soft windCombs throughMy Auburn hair. I shiver in solitude,Believing it ...My Freedom, Mon Amor
“Tip-tapTip-tap,One-TwoOne-Two,”I repeat. “One-stepOne-step,One-TwoTwo-Three,”He whispers. I falter,I sway,I trip,I bumble. I leap,I soar,I fly,I descend. “My love,My love,”I call. “My dove,You okay?”He asks. “My darling,Never ...My Ghost, My Beloved
You walk throughWalls, you hauntMy every step. I cannot shake you. You whisper inDarkest nights, callingMe in my sleep. I cannot ignore you. Everywhere ...A hero’s romance
I thought he would never changeA man of a strong, bold bravadoTo match his towering stature. We met in days of childhood,He never cared ...Divided We Stand
Everywhere I go,I see destruction. Right or left,Up or down. Righteous or wicked,Free or enslaved. “None of it matters,You don’t matter” Is their motto,In ...