Divorce And Dating And Other Disasters At Age 40: Part 21
If this was a movie, now would be the moment Dylan makes a move, dropping everything to pull me into an embrace.Divorce And Dating And Other Disasters At Age 40: Part 20
“So, you’re dating the paramedic?” Dylan’s lips stay flat, his eyebrow raised, and he stares straight ahead.Enchantment and Love
First Date Two shy and lonely people met amidst the magic of the starry night. Love is enchanting, so it meandered through the lovers’ hearts. The ...Divorce And Dating And Other Disasters At Age 40: Part 19
The fork pauses halfway to my mouth. An urge to laugh bubbles and I choke it back. “Women only want you for your body?”Today, Beside the Sea
After I left the fish tankI lived on a nearby riverbankClose to the connected seaI would look beyond the oceanOut to the dark blue ...clandestine crave
public glancesall sharp and nastyyet behind those looksyour eyes scanthe landscapeas you take inthe rise ofmy ebony moundsand stare at my nipslonging to caressthem ...Dragon’s Rise – Part Four
Taking a deep breath, the young woman flipped over the first card. “King of Spades.” This was unusual. She’d rarely ever drawn this card. ...Divorce And Dating And Other Disasters At Age 40: Part 18
THE (NON) DATE WHERE I TALK TO KIRAKids gather at the splash pad below a suspended bucket. It wobbles, teetering with water until it ...Divorce And Dating And Other Disasters At Age 40: Part 17
We’re mirror images, him on one side, me on the other, tilting toward the hunk of wood that serves as our confessional.Dragon’s Rise – Part Three
“You’re late, and you know I don’t like that. Now, we are running behind. You will have to speed through two of your readings ...