Holding Onto Love
You can hold on while still falling.Miracles are seen in the unseen. Fall-and holds on all at the same time.Impossible?No. The bird with broken ...Stupid Girl
Oh stupid girlHead held highThe world before youHappiness rarely without paymentBack and forth, with bated breath Oh stupid girlYou reluctantly nodKnowing everything cruel and ...Strange Medicine: Ebola Loves Balls
Welcome to Strange Medicine – a series of nonfiction articles based on recent journal published, peer-reviewed case studies, review articles, meta-studies, scientific studies, and ...The Crashing Waves Of The Salty Seas
“I’m so glad you’re back!” Maya screamed as she ran across the terminal to me. My face warmed as I noticed almost everyone turned ...- NonfictionCultureRomanceCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesEnvironmentEntertainmentLifestyle
Love In Quarantine
I have been thinking a lot about the fact that a lot of people hate Valentine’s Day. I know being single on Valentine’s Day ... CJ And Eliza: Part Three
| Part 1 | and | Part 2 | Buzz… Buzzzz.. Buzzzz I slowly woke from my slumber as the vibration of Eliza’s cellphone lingered. The end credits ...CJ And Eliza: Part Two
You know how the little things you dislike about a person made you love him or her even more? Well, that was CJ. On ...Ostara Rising: Chapter 5
The taste of Cailleach’s potion still lingered on his lips and churned in his stomach. He felt the celestial elements attaching themselves to him ...