Chosen Sisters

You’re my sister
You chose me
It wasn’t because of biology
You just love me.
I had 3 different numbers for you
When I wouldn’t hear from you
I wasn’t concerned
You were working
Living your life.
I would see you next time we came home
Maybe we would finally get Chipotle
I thought you, me and twin could plan a shopping trip
Then I got the call that you were gone.
Your blood sugar rose too high
It was time to say Goodbye.
All I could do was cry
Because even though you joined Twin Daddy and Ericka in the sky.
We weren’t ready to say bye.
I tried to write this to read when people got up to speak.
I couldn’t every time I even tried my eyes would leak
We weren’t related by blood
But I want you to know
You’re my sister
I love you, and I will take care of them