Free Workout Tips to Get You Fit for the New Year

I made it a point this year to dedicate my life to a healthier lifestyle. Working out, eating right and getting slim thick. But all jokes aside, I’ve fallen off the wagon a few times since the beginning of the new year. It takes about a month for a person to really get into a workout routine. Newsflash though, gyms and personal trainers are expensive.
I’ve never been a huge fan of the gym. They give me terrible anxiety, even if I put my headphones in and block people out. I use the gym at my apartment complex. It’s big, quiet, and there’s never more than four people in there at a time, so my anxiety is somewhat controlled. If you want to get in shape but can’t afford a gym or don’t live where a gym comes with your rent, don’t worry. I compiled a list of the best ways and apps to get you in shape in no time:
1) YouTube.
YouTube is FULL of workout videos and tips from personal trainers to help you on your journey. My favorite channels to watch a PopSugarFitness, which is full of fun classes and Abby Pollock, who helps make sure your form is impeccable while doing body weight workouts.
2) Apps
Listen… I’m cheap, I’ll admit it. So, when it came time to fitness apps, I downloaded everything. When I signed up and I got to the “pick your membership” section, you know what I did?
The way I saw it, if I was going to pay monthly for a fitness app, I might as well go to the gym. But luckily, I found three free apps that I use in rotation. NEOU: this app has thousands of classes and it gets updated daily. Their live classes get updated regularly. Nike Training: want to take a fitness class with Cristiano Ronaldo or Serena Williams? The Nike app has you covered. Not all the workouts are in the form of a class, some just show you how to use the moves. Whether it’s fifteen or forty-five minutes, you’ll feel the burn. Last but not least is KinetiCoach. I typically use this app on days when I’m not feeling 100%. You basically tell the app how much time you have to dedicate to the workout and your endurance level. Then it uploads ten workouts for you to choose from. Did I mention that these were all free?
3) Workout DVD’s
DVD’s might be outdated, but I used to love doing these. They range in prices, but they typically aren’t that expensive. If you don’t want to keep buying DVD’s, I recommend checking out Beach Body on Demand. It’s $99 for the year, and you have access to all their workouts. If you’re little hesitant at dropping that much money, you can sign up for a free thirty-day trial.
4) Get out and smell the fresh air.
This is the simplest thing to do. It costs nothing to go to a walk or run, it will help kickstart your fitness journey if you’re not ready to do something of a higher intensity.
There you have it, four easy ways to get you started on your fitness journey.