From My Desk To Yours

Dear Silent Manager:
While no one has all the answers, there is always room for a conversation. Please allow me to share the following from my desk to yours…
I am NOT OK – my Black Co-Workers are NOT OK!!
Systemic racism is an obvious issue in this country, yet it’s taken recent events of social injustice in the Black community, including but not limited to the recent killing of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and so many others, to shed a much-needed and overdue spotlight on some deeply rooted societal issues.
It is hard for me to pretend that I am not bothered by the fact that no one has taken the time to ask – are you OK? The difficulty in expressing my disappointment comes from the hurt and frustration I carry for a society, whose voice has not been acknowledged. As I watched the events unfold nationally and extend globally, I ask, why has there not been any movement internally? Do you see this but not see US? Is it just too much to discuss?
While I understand that my expectations may not be the reality of the company, I struggle to sit in silence, working in a repetitive state of anger, rage, numbness, repeat – while a nation cries for support. I do not speak for my colleagues, yet the thought of the screaming silence, coming from my fellow coworkers, mirrors that of countless Black Americans across the nation, yet no one has spoken up. It is my view, that if a person holds a position of influence and has not yet made a public statement about their commitment to support or engage in a conversation on anti-racism in the face of injustice, I inquire as to why or why not?
Your companies are home to Black employees who have shown up and not missed a beat, considering all that is happening around them. I say – WE are not OK!! People working with people, in the wake of all the turmoil, and no one has acknowledged their challenges, again I say – WE are not Ok.
In an entire week of nationwide civil unrest, there has been deafening silence from Management. The reality is ripe with sad truth, that there is an issue plaguing the society that may be affecting your employees, and they may not be OK.
While management may or may not choose to use their platform to spark a conversation or initiate change where possible, I challenge leadership to leverage their influence where they can – Reach Out, Check In, Take Action!!
Yours Sincerely,
Your Black Employees
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