Halloween Comfort

I was never allowed to trick or treat as a kid. However, Halloween has always been a special time of year for me. My parents didn’t like me watching things with magic involved so Halloween was like forbidden fruit. This being said, It became my favorite holiday as a kid. I loved researching how Halloween was celebrated around the world. I always came up with interesting costumes. One year, I dressed up as a lazy pop star so I could wear my pajamas with a fake microphone.
It could also be because I have embarrassing, but fond memories that involve Halloween. I was left in the bathroom on accident because the entire school went over to the next building for the annual Halloween party. Eventually, someone found me after the party was over.
A few years later, I had an accident during the day. I was worried everyone would notice my pants were a completely different color. Mrs. Granger, the school secretary helped me come up with a costume so I could explain why I changed clothes in the middle of the day.
Holiday specials have always made me happy. I enjoyed the stories about magical creatures. I could read fantasy novels. My parents knew I didn’t believe there was a magical land of fairies where werewolves ran free. They just didn’t want me to say phrases out of a spellbook, and invite evil spirits in my house unknowingly.
Once they realized I knew how dangerous dark magic could be, and that I wouldn’t try to dabble in the occult. I was allowed to watch Halloween specials. I took that permission and ran with it. I still didn’t go to parties outside of school. I was finally able to enjoy the holiday season fully with my classmates. I felt like I didn’t have to pretend to hate it until November 1st, and I could enjoy the full holiday season. Halloween has always been about acceptance for me, and I have always tried to include everyone in my Halloween celebrations however they feel comfortable celebrating the holiday.
I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween even though it may look a little different this year. Celebrate the holidays how you want, and enjoy this time. The world is bleak enough as it is, and we need to find joy wherever we can.