Infected: Chapter 10

”Give me your soul…” The sound of the demon’s voice vibrated throughout Hadera’s body. The curling, bloody smile and deathly black eyes put fear into Hadera’s very soul. Just as she gave out a curdling scream from deep within, she also felt a rush of cold run through her.
Hadera quickly opened her eyes to find herself in the middle of her own living room. She looked around in fear as she tried to make the scene match what she was feeling. Hadera sat up quickly from the floor as she tried to gather her ground.
Hadera quickly picked herself off the floor and ran into her bedroom. The fear and shock were still coming over her as she tried to make sense of it all. She slowly looked at herself in the mirror and could see the effects of the experiments starting to take a toll on her. Her baggy eyes and tired face told a different journey. Hadera quickly got dressed in her room and bolted out of her small apartment. She had a bad feeling that she would have to go back to her lab that very morning. The pressure and fear started to take over as Hadera ran on foot to her medical lab in the center of the city.
The sun had not set yet and already Hadera wanted to turn back to her house. Hadera walked as fast as she could to get to the medical lab. She had a bad feeling that everyone she knew would be different. Just as she made it to the lab’s front lobby, there was a mysterious mist coming from the front part of the entrance. She opened the front door to find that there was no one in sight. She decided to run up the steps to reach her office. Maybe she could find some answers there.
Hadera was roaming through her job lab records, trying to find a solution to this problem. She had not seen a soul since she got here and this started to worry her a bit. Where is everyone? Why is she having these vivid dreams? Were their side effects discovered as dangerous? She needed to solve these answers and soon before its too late to stop this lucid nightmare.