Is The Sky Falling?

Is the sky starting to fall?
If the answer is yes, can I take shelter in your arms?
If your answer is no, can I still be in your arms?
If the sky and earth collide into one another, will you still search for me?Because I know I would search for you tirelessly.
Is the sky starting to fall?
Your heart and its love represent such peace to me, that if the sky and earth did collide and the dust of life fell.
I would not fear a thing.
Because I have found love with you, that can never be taken away from me.
Is the sky starting to fall?
Good, I say to let it.
Because as long as I have your arms to shelter me, I could never fear the end of the world.
I know, you’re thinking, “but you haven’t held him yet.”
I don’t need to hold him when I know he and his love are meant only for me.
Is the sky starting to fall?
Guess what?
I don’t care to know because wherever we end up, we will end up there together someday.