New Year, New Focus

We are about a month into the New Year. I would normally comment how most people have probably broken their resolutions by now. Instead, I’ve realized that resolutions are just prioritizing aspects of your life that a person feels they have overlooked lately. I chose to have goals that will make me happy.
The past few years I only felt happy when I was working out consistently and had something substantial to show in terms of progress. I am working on being kinder to myself, but all I’ve done is catch up with the different spin-offs of the Law and Order franchise.
The year is far from over, so I can still accomplish my goals and take a little victory lap that my first physical therapy appointment wasn’t the garbage inferno I anticipated. My therapist always says, “if you have a plan to achieve the goals you want. That’s the best you can do.” I’m going to work hard to make myself more independent. I am going to start the process of getting a new power chair, and that process can take about a year to 18 months.
I’m hoping to work on myself during that time so that when I get my chair, I can be in a good place to start whatever the next phase of my life has in store for me. I know everyone says, “You are already worthy of love.” However, I feel like a healthier and more independent version of myself who has a healthy grasp on her emotions may allow me to love myself first.
The point of setting goals every year is to give yourself something to work toward. A person who wants to get married doesn’t often find their life partner on the first date. So give yourself a little bit of grace. You can always start again tomorrow.