Tag: Dreams
Hyperfocus or New Career?
Dreams are wonderful. They motivate people to accomplish things they never considered before. A person can stay on course if they continue to chase a goal. People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often tend to get into new hobbies or activities for a while and then drop them. This is known as hyperfocus. Ever ...From Across the Void
Once again, the eight-year-old me is standing under the mantle staring up at that serious, soft-eyed person in the picture. Sometimes, when passing through this room, I glance up and smile. Other times, I fear he is watching me as if he is judging. When no one is around, I return his gaze and try ...Dreams Change: Life Continues
Have you ever thought about the adult the younger version of yourself imagined you would be? I thought I would live in a London flat with my husband and at least a few children. My life isn’t anything similar to what I thought when I was little. Honestly, I was sad about that for a ...Illumination and Liberation
I meditate Letting go of aspirations, Letting in what is Under self-restricting views, Monitoring News. I’m slowly dissolving. Not quitting, not doubting, Attention to breathing Towards Present. In and out, in and out, On the way to Liberation. Neither this nor that – with you. Love what is, Immediate and fulfilling, But never take ...Enigma
I see myself in you,but I’m not you. You’re magic,Awesome,Fragile,like me,but you’re not me. You’re indestructible. I’m indestructiblein a different way,because we’re unique. I see myself in you,becausewe’re both human,but our sensations,motionsand choicesdiffer. Instead ofjudgingand trying tomodifyyou,I’ll study your actionslike a stunning enigma,and see your beauty. I’m blessedto bewith you.2023: Year Of Dreams
New Year’s Resolutions New Year’s Resolutions are more like goals for me. I start them and keep up with them. The difference for me is if I forget to do it every day, I will keep continuing with my goal. An example is that I set a goal to write 500 words a day of ...Time To Dream
Recommit Yourself We are two weeks into November. I’m supposed to have over 25,000 words. My document has a pitiful 200. Most people would give up. The average word count to win would be 5,000 words or more daily. My best day is 2,000. The next step for me is to recommit to my story. ...“The Queen of Imagination”
The Chameleon says to her Mom, “I want to be many creatures and do many things, all at once.” Mom tells her she cannot be any more than one creature at a time, and cannot do more than one thing at a time. She has to pick one. But Chameleon can’t. Her mind travels fast ...Dream Fuel
Everyone has a week where things didn’t exactly go as planned. This can be extremely frustrating for any number of reasons. Last week, I planned to finish a book that I was given to beta read, and I couldn’t touch it at all because I was so tired. This week I’m making good progress, and ...Eulogistic Ballad—By a Butterfly
We were young, still in our cocoons when we first met. Flora morphed into a beautiful butterfly, sooner than me. Her wings—the colors of fire, lit the sky. Her flutter stirred many, to reach and pocket her. But free minded, she held her own, unwilling to be caught. With a grand vision to travel ...