Six Ways To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is a vital tool to ensure the human body is functioning properly. Everyone needs sleep, and quality sleep is essential for your health. Having enough sleep will help you be productive, full of energy and will help you keep your emotions in check. So many people are busy and do not get the amount of sleep they need or cannot seem to get good quality sleep.
There are consequences when you do not get enough sleep. Some of these are directly related to and can lead to a variety of health problems. These health problems can include:
- Not being productive
- Not have enough energy
- Feeling tired all the time
- No motivation
- Being more susceptible to coming down with a cold or the flu
- Moodiness
- Headaches
- Difficulty remembering things
- Poor vision
- Weight Gain
- No concentration
There are many ways to ensure you are getting a good quality sleep.
1. Make Time for Sleep
It sounds simple but as busy as we are in today’s society sleep falls to the bottom of the priority list. If needed, schedule your sleep time.
2. Improving Your Sleep Environment
The first way to do this is to have a comfortable bed to sleep on. Make sure you turn your thermostat down, and the room you are sleeping in is cool. When your body is too hot, you will not sleep well. Sleeping in a cool environment will help with the quality of your sleep as well. You will also want to make sure there is good ventilation in your room. Poor air quality makes it harder to breathe, and this can affect your sleep. Keep the room you are sleeping in for sleeping purposes only. Do not be watching television, playing on your computer or paying bills in this room. Dim the lights in the room before going to bed. Your body will think it is time to sleep if you have subtle lighting.
3. Bedtime Habits
Here are a few bedtime habits:
- You can take a warm bath or shower, by doing this it will calm your body.
- You will want to avoid LED lights up to two hours before bedtime. The glow of the LED lights makes your body think it is time to be awake and it will cause you to have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep.
- You can read a book if you find this enjoyable, it will help you relax.
- Going to bed at the same time every night and waking at the same time daily, even on weekends will help build a better quality of sleep.
4. Daily Routines
Your daily routine has a lot to do with the type of sleep that you have. Most people do not realize that the choices they make during the day will affect you at night when it is time to sleep.
Things you can do during the day to improve your sleep are:
- Avoid caffeine after lunch and especially right before bedtime.
- Avoid alcohol. It can disturb your sleep cycle
- No big meals or heavy foods a few hours before bedtime. Big meals and heavy foods can be hard for your body to digest.
- Avoid spicy foods. Most people will not do well lying down to sleep after eating hot or spicy foods.
- Drink warm milk. The warm milk will calm your body and prepare it for sleep. Milk has an amino acid in it that causes your body to become drowsy.
- Avoid too many fluids. Consuming too many fluids will wake you up in the middle of the night which will interrupt your sleep cycle so you can use the bathroom.
5. Lifestyle Choices
Managing stress is an important factor when thinking about sleep. If you are stressed out, it will interrupt your sleep patterns. Interrupted sleep patterns will make you feel worse rather than feel better. Small things you do daily that do not even cross your mind can hurt your sleep. One thing you should avoid is taking a nap during the day. Napping will make your body think it does not need more sleep and at night when you are ready to sleep, you cannot fall asleep.
Regular exercise is also another daily activity that will help improve your quality of sleep. Exercise gets your heart pumping, your body moving and your blood circulating. Your body will be tired and will need sleep to recover from exercise. By exercising regularly will help your body to sleep more soundly.
6. Natural Light
Another good habit to adopt is to spend more time in the natural light during the day. If you work inside with no natural light, make a point to walk outside on a break or sit outside during lunch. Proper exposure to the sun during the day is essential for maintaining your internal rhythm. The natural light helps your body to feel good by producing more Vitamin D. Our eyes and bodies are exposed to unnatural light, and this makes your body stay on alert to stay awake, so it is important to avoid artificial light after sunset. Melatonin is a natural hormone your body makes to regulate your sleep cycle. Melatonin is a potent antioxidant with cancer-fighting properties. Your body produces more melatonin the darker it is. This is why it is crucial to use dimmer lights near bedtime.
Sleep is the cornerstone of healthy living. Your body needs sleep to recover each night. The quality of sleep you get each night will depend on how you feel when you wake up. We all want to feel refreshed and full of energy when we wake up. Changing daily habits will help you give your body what it deserves, a good night’s sleep.