Still Rolling
So just a quick comment regarding this poem of mine because who does not adore a little backstory:
These thoughts poured out of my exhausted brain onto the notes in my iPhone after a stellar night. It took around 12 minutes of me relaxing in a bath tub (it was definitely too small for comfort) to write this. I chose to leave it in its raw form rather than edit it obsessively, because at that moment I was experiencing a rush I had never felt before. Everything was quite unreal. My arms were lined with goosebumps and my heart was pounding loudly… sort of like an applause. As if the universe was saying “Keep up the good work, Riley!” It was one of those moments that are difficult to explain. However, I am not complaining.
“Still Rolling”
My mind is in awe.
Awake, I dreamt of:
ferris wheel highs,
four dilated eyes,
full moon, painted skies.
Our two worlds collide.
Was once in control,
now I’m stuck in roll.