Super Blood Wolf Moon

Talk about a mouth full. Yet, it’s the truth. There is going to be a spectacular super blood wolf moon lunar eclipse.
That’s right. So, exactly what is this event that is going to happen this weekend?
First, let’s look at the moon. The super moon means that it’s closer to the orbit of the earth making it appear larger in the sky. A wolf moon is the first full moon of the year. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, it is named for the wolf packs heard outside Native American villages during this time of year.
Now, the reason it is a blood moon is the result of a lunar eclipse. A full moon lunar eclipse will turn the moon blood red, giving it that eerie look, that perfect setting for a horror story where the monsters are lurking about unsuspecting victims.
I’m sorry, I strayed there. Back to astronomy, and save horror for later.
Almost all of North America will be able to see this wondrous spectacle, but here in my stomping ground of Tucson? We will be able to see the whole eclipse, beginning to end, and I personally cannot wait.
It will start Sunday, January 20, 2019 at 9:36 p.m. and last until 12:48 a.m. Monday, January 21, 2019.
Now, for you astrology lovers. This eclipse is taking place in 1 degree Leo.
So, what does that mean? It means, wherever you have 1 degree Leo in your birth chart, is where the energy of this moon will affect you. Using my chart as an example: I have Uranus in 3 degrees Leo in the 9th house. This full moon lunar eclipse will activate the energy of that house and planet.
How you ask? Well, I’m glad you asked. Full moon energy is the culmination of the month’s energy. The full moon is equivalent to your crops being ready for harvest. You planted the seeds and watered, and the full moon is now the harvest. It’s time to reap what you’ve sown.
Then you add the energy of a lunar eclipse, which is also a culmination of lessons we’ve been working on coming to a head.
The full moon energy is the same kind of energy. This buildup of celestial energy will be delivering havoc to everyone. It’s almost like every decision, thought, or concept one has been working on for a long time will suddenly burst forth like a volcano.
This energy will force an immediate response from people. Out of the blue. Unexpectedly. One day, the person is working a 9 to 5 job, the pillar of responsibility, and the next they make a life changing decision. They move across country or become a priest, a faith healer, or a teacher. The thing is that there will be no warning. It will come out of the blue, which is what will shock friends and family.
My planet–Uranus–will be affected by this explosion of energy. Uranus is the planet of technology and higher communications, such as teaching and writing. Uranus is located in my 9th house of higher learning, travel, religion, publishing, and media. This is a really good setting for a writer. It looks like all my hard work will be paying off, and my writing will take off.
I could handle that. Because of the buildup of energy eclipses have, their influence can be felt up to six months after the event, sometimes longer, depending on how powerfully it hits in your chart. (If this one can give me a boost in my writing, it can influence me as long it wants.)
Even if you have no idea astrologically how this eclipse will affect you, know that it will. So, keep a little awareness about you about what happens during the eclipse. You will get clues how mother nature is helping you in life.
Enjoy this magnificent celestial event, and enjoy the changes it will bring.