• Sleeping

    Sleep is a vital tool to ensure the human body is functioning properly. Everyone needs sleep, and quality sleep is essential for your health. Having enough sleep will help you be productive, full of energy and will help you keep your emotions in check. So many people are busy and do not get the amount ...
  • 1615

    Hi. My name is Jordan Ballard. I am a sophomore in college, and I am a procrastinator. I will put assignments off until the night before, ignore the due dates, and pretend that I don’t have homework to avoid doing it. I’m sure you’ve done it. Your friends have done it. Procrastination is a fact ...
  • 3159

    One of the worst parts about trying to write a story is getting stuck. It happens to everyone at some point. You see the scene that you want to write, but the words aren’t coming. If they are coming, nothing sounds right. Sometimes, you have a scene that you’re trying to add, but it doesn’t ...