Tag: Children
Affirmations from Within
Kids seem to have a bottomless pit of questions. “Mommy, do you like it?” “Daddy, look! Is it beautiful?” “Did I do a good job?” “I made it for you.” Youngsters seek positive affirmation from their parents starting from the moment they are born. Erik Erikson, a renowned psychologist, identifies eight stages of psychosocial development ...Ma Millie-7
After the initial shock of Rita’s cancer diagnosis, several meetings with doctors and specialists were scheduled. A treatment regimen is recommended, followed, and monitored closely. It includes surgeries, chemo, and radiation sessions, but not without difficulties. Rita loses her hair and wears a wig. She is not comfortable and hates the thought of wearing it. ...5 Tips for Juggling Small Children When Leaving Home
Now that you have two, your time to get out of the house doubles! It’s frustrating! You have double to do and less time to do it in—particularly if you are breastfeeding. So here are some tips to get the process from 1 hr. + down to 30 mins! Most moms would agree that going ...Fade To Black
Imagine, there's still milk, juice, and snacks for the week in 17 refrigerators once fresh, but now soured.- Memoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenEnvironmentHealth & WellnessCultureLifestyleHistoryRomanceCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetry
Those were the days when neighbors took pride in knowing each other by first and last names Kids, pets included. O, those were the days… Those were the days when neighbors exchanged tomatoes, potatoes, and onions Milk included. O, those were the days… Those were the days when neighbors drove their cars, trucks, and trolleys ... - LifestyleHistoryCultureParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
An Ode To Daddy
Daddy O Dad, you spoiled me. You said nothing when I ran the red light. Your patience was unbearable. I wanted to jolt you and ask, “How do you stay a saint in the midst of strain?” - CreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsHealth & WellnessMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenCulture
Letter To My Daughter Part II
You walked away without pretense I looked your way Hesitant You walked away without recourse I tried to speak With no remorse You walked away without a sound For that my heart Can not rebound You walked away, so far away Before too long The distance great I will not breathe ... Back To School Tips For Fall Of 2020
This has been a hard year. It has been a strange year. COVID-19 has turned America upside down, held the country by the ankles, and shook out all feelings of control. The school year ended badly. Students were unceremoniously thrust into the realm of remote learning unprepared, unwanted, and unanticipated. As we look forward to ...Escapism
Three days a week, they set their alarms to wake them at ten o’clock pm. On those days, they don’t sleep because they chose to be awake when the rest of the house is asleep. When the lights go out, when their mother’s snore can be heard from the hallway, when the German Shepard has ...