Tag: christmas movies
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The Magic Of Christmas
It’s the day after Thanksgiving. The dishes done, the leftovers put away, and the table is back to normal. The last week I busied myself with cooking recipes that only get made once a year and writing in NaNoWriMo. I surprised myself by keeping to a writing schedule—something I haven’t done in a long while. ... - CreativityCooking, Food & DrinkParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
7 Things I Absolutely Hate About Christmas
Christmas is so overrated. Make sure to disband all merry making and refuse to participate in any of the family and friend activities. A Christmas Story
A Christmas Story is one of my favorite Christmas movies. I know a lot of people think that the story is overly dramatic, but I don’t. I remember when I was that age, and I was that overly dramatic. For Ralphie, it was a Red Ryder BB gun with a compass in the stock. It was ...