Tag: emotion
Concealed Traveler
My heart completely shattered watching you long for her Tears sting my eyes as you cleverly avoid them fearing I may see your truth Sadness oozes from your pores letting my broken heart know Your thoughts are consumed with the loss of her as mine are filled with the loss of you ...Why Do People Stay In Toxic Relationships?
What if someone is struggling with a problem, mental illness, or physical limitations, and you decide to terminate the relationship? Does this make you a “bad” person? What if this person is toxic? Do you stay because they still need help? At what point do you say enough is enough? I am a huge believer ...The Color Of Emotions
calmgentlepassionateangry is this what you see when you look these emotions so full, yet so differentthe world full of thoughts and feelingsevoking the strangeness within can we truly explainthe colors in our livesare they hues or feelingsthat which embeds itself deep when red surrounds you alwaysthe emotions of colorsthat we rarely seethe color of emotions
only time would tell us what we need to know the feelings that build up inside of us switching from option to option as it works its way through us. at first, it’s nothing then it grows becomes a monster of its own something all-consuming in the end some say that no one knows what ...