• tavern sign of two men walking

    Georgiana wasn’t sure what to think when George Wickham called on her for the first time. They had met at the local park and had taken a brief stroll together, but she never expected their acquaintance to go beyond that chance reunion. It surprised her when Mr. Wickham asked for the directions to her rented ...
  • White flowers among a bed of grass

     Content warning: This story contains Restricted (R) content, including intense violence, physical abuse, and trauma. This story is written for an adult audience. Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction, as none of the content is my original work. The characters are created by Stephen King and J.R.R Tolkien. The content belongs to MGM and ...
  • tavern sign of two men walking

    Wickham adjusted his hold on his walking stick, as his nervousness became more apparent with each minute that passed. Seagulls littered the grass close to him and pecked in search of the morsels left by park visitors. One waddled next to Wickham and defecated. Lord, I hate birds. Where is that woman? As if he ...
  • flowers within a peaceful meadow

    Content warning: This story contains Restricted (R) content, including intense violence, physical abuse, and trauma. This story is written for an adult audience. Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction, as none of the content is my original work. The characters are created by Stephen King and J.R.R Tolkien. The content belongs to MGM and ...
  • tavern sign of two men walking

    George Wickham didn’t come to Ramsgate with the intention of seducing Georgiana Darcy. Fate, however, had other plans, and when the Darcy carriage rolled past him on the street, he followed it all the way to their lodgings like a tom cat returning home to be fed. The following day, he went to scout the ...
  • playing cards sitting on top of table

    “Hill? Hill, where are you?” I call out. It’s half-past nine already, and she hasn’t even popped her head in to see if I’m awake. The fire is out; I am still in my nightclothes, and my breakfast tray is nowhere in sight. “She’s never this late.” I can get out of bed and dress ...
  • historical room

    The fire is roaring, but I hardly feel the heat as my body shivers. My skin is hot yet refuses to sweat, indicating a fever has set in. Doctor Jones is being fetched at Mr. Bingley’s insistence, but this gives me little comfort. I am in a stranger’s bed, in a borrowed nightgown, and being ...
  • Forest surroundings

    Content warning: This story contains Restricted (R) content, including intense violence, physical abuse, and trauma. This story is written for an adult audience. Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction, as none of the content is my original work. The characters are created by Stephen King and J.R.R Tolkien. The content belongs to MGM and ...
  • moon and cloudy night sky

    I am lying on the bedcovers, my white dressing gown glowing in the moonlight spilling from the open window. A slight breeze swirls the curtains and a chill runs down my spine. My chest rises and falls as if I had just run across the lawn of Longbourn. A few moments of silence pass when ...
  • Mountain side cliff

    Content Warning: This story contains Restricted content including intense violence, physical abuse, traumaThis story is written for an adult audience. Savior The end was drawing near for Carrie White. Pitch black enveloped her with enough intense strength to surround her. It suffocated Carrie, this advanced darkness. It began to fill the depths inside and embraced ...