Tag: love
I have cried tears that could fill buckets. I cried tears when those very buckets turned to cold showers-cold, breath-catching. Then catching and cutting my heart, deep and sudden. I have cried tears that have turned into oceans. I would gladly cross for those that would follow after me.I know plenty who would never risk jumping a puddle to ...Benefits Of Another
He is the perfect partnerThe words tumble from her lipsdisregarding anypain or tearspreviously shed He is passionate and dignifiedwords she now uttersas the warmthof his bodycomforts her in his bed His words aresoft and caringlike none she’s ever heardher words describe him boldlywithout the slightest care in the world She’s oblivious to thetime and patienceinvested ...The Crashing Waves Of The Salty Seas
“I’m so glad you’re back!” Maya screamed as she ran across the terminal to me. My face warmed as I noticed almost everyone turned to look at us. I ignored them and smiled nonetheless as my best friend rammed into me with a bear hug. “I would never miss your wedding!” She was the only ...- RomanceCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesEnvironmentEntertainmentLifestyleNonfictionCulture
Love In Quarantine
I have been thinking a lot about the fact that a lot of people hate Valentine’s Day. I know being single on Valentine’s Day can seem lonely. I’ve always thought about it as another day to treat the people that I love. I also think it’s a good excuse to watch my favorite romantic comedies. ... Hallmark’s Surprise Substance
I have a horrible confession to make. I watch Hallmark movies when I need to have noise in the background. I know I could just put in headphones and listen to music, but when I’m home alone I try not to have headphones in my ears so no one can surprise me. I know the ...Daddy’s Girl (A Poem)
On Sunday, January 3, 2021 my father passed away. This is dedicated to him. Today Another’s words made me stop……and think,About my own Father and his effect on my lifeAnd as I sat there……thinking backI remember things to make me smile,To bring mist to my eyes Sunday mornings, always the bestTo a little girl of ...- Parenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenEntertainmentCreativity
Here I Go Again
Here I go again Telling myself love Is only a foolish game When I know better Than to question The fire raging inside me Here I go again Believing in the lie That we’re meant to be alone When I know my heart Desperately needs you More than oxygen and water Here I go again ... Never Saw You Coming
I never saw you coming that day. Instantly, talking with you felt as natural as breathing. I never saw you coming, but I did nothing but hope and pray you eventually would someday, and here you are. Imperfect, and beautiful-all for me to love with my very last breath. Who needs to say, “I do” ...Feel It, A Poem
.Desire ..Passion …Heat Ignited! Rush to burn With erotic sweetness Sweeping like a blanket Covered …Fire ..Need .Want Flaired! Streaming color wheel With overpowering force Trailing like wanderlust Moved .Darkness ..Silence …Nothing Hopeless! Cloaked shadows With collective reason Clinging like vines Trapped …Screams ..Muffled .Lost Struggled! Mixed reality With never ending chains Forever like time ...