Tag: love
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Certain Uncertainties
While brainstorming ideas for this week’s article, I thought about current events in our country. They are hard to miss. It seems that COVID-19 was a mere appetizer in a year of national upheaval and unrest. Of course, as I write this, it is Election Day. But what is there to say about it? The ... Seal My Soul With A Kiss
Our lips have yet to touch, and our fingers have yet to interlock. No one has ever made me feel this complete before. You fall into the cracks of my heart and soul with ease. The breaks my heart has taken have all faded. You have sealed my heart and soul with a kiss that ...- CultureCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsHealth & WellnessMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & Garden
Letter To My Daughter Part II
You walked away without pretense I looked your way Hesitant You walked away without recourse I tried to speak With no remorse You walked away without a sound For that my heart Can not rebound You walked away, so far away Before too long The distance great I will not breathe ... - CultureParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenHealth & Wellness
Stolen – A Poem
She caches her jewelry Cardboard tubes under her mattress Hidden from faces she can’t remember Haunting her with changed bedsheets While disembodied voices perched on telephone wires Check on her She gripes They’re stealing my things At the liar: Voice too old to be her daughter Sunday – no – Wednesday No How can it ... - EntertainmentEnvironmentCreativityParenting & FamilySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionMemoir & Autobiographies
Broken Promises – Conclusion
Read parts 1-6 here. Nicki waited anxiously for Anne to arrive at their cabin. While she waited, she packed a cooler with drinks and sandwiches. Grabbing her backpack out of the closet, she remembered Dean had filled it for her when he showed her what essentials were needed for a hike in the wilderness. Unzipping ... You May Not Know This
You may not know this, but when they tell you you’re incapable of love, they mean that they are the ones incapable of love. They walk around with ticking clocks in their chests, instead of beating heart’s pumping life through their veins. Slowly ticking off their days where they will eventually cry out for mercy, ...- LifestyleEnvironmentCultureCreativitySelf-Help & RelationshipsFictionMemoir & AutobiographiesEntertainment
Broken Promises – Part Five
Read previous installments of Broken Promises on my author page. Nicki’s plane landed a few minutes early. One of the first passengers off the plane, she looked through the crowd for Dean’s familiar face. The knots in her stomach made her nauseous. As the plane approached Anchorage while rummaging for lipstick, the aircraft hit turbulence, ... - Memoir & AutobiographiesDesign, Fashion & StyleEntertainmentLifestyleCreativitySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetry
The woman you seek Shall be yours In this game You insist on playing She will lay by Your side With a bitterness In her mouth You cannot tame Hatred will grow By the sound Of your name For you will betray her And cause her shame Your eyes look Upon her ... It Only Takes One Person
I have spent a lot of time in recent weeks thinking about how one moment can affect the course of a story. The person the protagonist smiled at on page two can end up being the love of their life. This happens, in reality, all of the time. My own best friend and I met ...