
I have a scar.
For the past six years, I have been staring at these wounds each day as I go through my day to day life. It is a deep scar that will forever be with me for the rest of my life. It represents the various times I wanted to quit from this life. I let the tears roll down my face as I start to trace my wounded skin with my fingertips. All the horrid moments, all the dangerous attempts. It was almost as if I was tracing my past with that one simple gesture. Like taking a small train in the middle of the night, and you see nothing but sadness and darkness. The scars I have on my body have left me feeling vulnerable to the world. Everyone would see my defeat against this life.
But I have come to realize that in my continued journey against this life; I am not the only one who has deep scars in this world. Some scars are not visible but are deep within our souls. Some of us choose to bring those visible scars to light; some choose to take those scars and bury them deep within so no one could see a deep pain. It is a struggle to keep those scars at bay. It is a struggle to fight the darkness that keeps me from living life. But with great struggles and an army behind me, I start to see my deep wounds as battle scars against this world.
The wounds that we get from life should not be the end-all and say all. Our scars should represent the battle we won. The countless battles we continue to win. Each time I take a breath, it is another day I won against my darkness. It is another day I get to see the sunset, and the moon rises. When I look down on my scars, instead of crying in tears, I look down on my skin as an understanding that I was in a battle with this thing called life, and it so happens that I am continuing to be the winner.