Tag: Lust
Platinum Moments
When you dipmy body singsback archesmaking my legs fall openlike butterfly wings When you dipmy body soarsand the soft moansescaping my throatis my call for more When you diptaking a sipI bite my lipso I can controlthe swaying of my hips When you dipeverything gets quietexcept for the soundof my heartbeat in my ear And ...clandestine crave
public glancesall sharp and nastyyet behind those looksyour eyes scanthe landscapeas you take inthe rise ofmy ebony moundsand stare at my nipslonging to caressthem with the warmthof your fingertipscareful not to be noticedas your eyes drift frommy nips to my hipsand to the gapbetween my thighsforcing the spacein your slacksto lessen yetkeeping yourlack and lusting ...Glimpse Of You
A swift glimpse ofyour exquisite facemakes myheart race Eyes placed slightlyon your splendorand I calmlydrink you in Your smileallows my heartto beat with vigor The vibrationsrocking my bodywith a steady beat Similar effect ofa well-tapped drumits rhythm released My body danceswith no outward movementbut insideI sway and glide Only you and Iknow the pleasureI now ...Discreet Trice
your non-verbal moaned I am yours sweet, vulnerable and... powerful at the same time- CreativitySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesDesign, Fashion & StyleEntertainmentLifestyle
The woman you seek Shall be yours In this game You insist on playing She will lay by Your side With a bitterness In her mouth You cannot tame Hatred will grow By the sound Of your name For you will betray her And cause her shame Your eyes look Upon her ... White Tee
Soft raindrops saturated the white tee shirt as I loosen quietly on the wooden deck Nipples taut from the chilly pecks placed upon them as each droplet softly fondles Rapt eyes surveilling behind darken glass passion stirring in your breaths Drenched outside clandestine inside never shall the two collide As the ...- LifestyleDesign, Fashion & StyleCreativitySelf-Help & RelationshipsPoetryMemoir & AutobiographiesEntertainment
Mistress Diary
I long for you in the shadows dream of you at night Wonder what you’re thinking and if your day is alright I long to snuggle up with you and keep you warm at night Long to be your coffee cups that kiss your lips just right Or replace that shiny ...