Tag: NaNoWriMo
NanoWrimo: An Opportunity
It’s that time of year again. The leaves change color, people wear more layers of clothing, and they consider it socially acceptable to drink hot chocolate. It’s November, which means it’s time for National Novel Writing Month or NanoWrimo. The goal is to write at least 50,000 words during the month of November. Technically, you ...Time To Dream
Recommit Yourself We are two weeks into November. I’m supposed to have over 25,000 words. My document has a pitiful 200. Most people would give up. The average word count to win would be 5,000 words or more daily. My best day is 2,000. The next step for me is to recommit to my story. ...Self-Doubt’s Best Friend
November is a time for good food, embracing body hair, and the start of the holiday season. Starbucks comes out with their holiday drinks just in time for me to drown my writing woes in Caramel Brûlée. Nanowrimo is here. The time of year when I question if this was the correct career choice because ...No Writing November: Writing Woes II
November, for me, usually involves the intense drive to finish a novel. This year I have no motivation even to open a word document. I tend to go through periods where I believe I can’t write and hate all of my characters. One solution I have is to completely start from scratch. I can start ...NaNo Rituals
As this year’s long march to the 50K mark begins, there are many plots and cups of coffee brewing. Everyone has their own style of writing: Planner, Pantser, or a Plantser. Each person’s approach to making the 1667 word per day quota is as unique as the participating writers. This my tenth year participating in ...Why I Participate In NaNoWriMo Every Year
For writers, any excuse to engage in the craft is welcomed. Everyone has busy lives and sometimes finding the time to write can be difficult. Jobs, family responsibilities, school activities, and countless other unplanned detours can derail planned writing time. Let’s face it: life happens, and many times unpredictable circumstances arise. So why engage in ...Nanowrimo: You Can’t Win Unless You Try
It’s November. That means turkey and debates about how everybody skips Thanksgiving like it’s the Jan Brady of holidays. November also means something else to the writing community: Nanowrimo. It stands for National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write 50,000 words during the month which is the minimum of what is classified as ...How To Prepare For NaNoWriMo In Less Than A Week
Maybe it isn’t a case of procrastination. Maybe, like countless other writers, your life is busy. November 1st is in less than a week. If you are joining the one month challenge, you may have suddenly realized how close the beginning date is. You may have also realized that you haven’t done one thing to ...- NonfictionMediaMemoir & AutobiographiesHome & GardenCultureDesign, Fashion & StyleScience & Technology
NaNoWriMo: 7 Tips for Success
Every November, there is a goal-oriented writing event called NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. Starting on November 1st, participants can go onto the website and keep track of their word count. It keeps track of your progress, shows the average word count you need ... Getting Ready for NaNoWriMo
What is NaNoWriMo? In short, NanoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. Every November, scores of dedicated writers make a commitment to writing a 50,000-word novel in one month. I’m sure that it sounds like an impossible task, which is why they don’t force you to sit down and write 50,000 words in a day. Instead, ...