Tag: opinion piece
On Being a Step-Parent
I have a tough job. Many say it’s the most difficult job out there. It’s demanding. It’s time-consuming. It’s thankless. And I don’t mean my career. I’m a parent. Well, I’m a step-parent. They say parenting is the most difficult job there is, but I would add that step-parenting is just as, if not more, difficult. ...Anxiety is a Liar: Discover the Truth and Set Yourself Free
Anxiety is a friend of mine. Friend may not be the right word; we have a love/hate relationship. Why? Anxiety is a liar. The constant thread of information filing through my brain is anything but reliable. Since my anxiety is here to stay, it is my job to see the truth and speak logic into ...Dreams Change: Life Continues
Have you ever thought about the adult the younger version of yourself imagined you would be? I thought I would live in a London flat with my husband and at least a few children. My life isn’t anything similar to what I thought when I was little. Honestly, I was sad about that for a ...Why We Need to Encourage Emerging Identity Over Mass Conformity
Motherhood keeps me on my toes. As soon as I have it “all figured out”, here comes another curve ball to keep me guessing. My current dilemma, how to encourage the emerging identity of my growing children. As the mom of a teenager, I am in the weeds watching my maturing child figure out who ...Why Motherhood Requires Learning To Let Go And Watch
Motherhood is one crazy roller coaster of emotional ups and downs. While a handbook would be nice and often feels required, one does not exist.Pandemic Parenting – Why We Gain And Lose In The Era Of Covid-19
The world is coming up on an anniversary. In March 2022, it will be two years since the world shut down. I remember it as if it was yesterday. Government officials said in two weeks, we would be getting back to normal, don’t panic; we only need to flatten the curve. Two weeks became two ...The Boogeyman
Nothing fills a body with fear more than the mention of ‘the Boogeyman.’ The Boogeyman is an old middle English tale a mother used to scare her children into behaving. If a child didn’t listen, then ‘the Boogeyman’ would get them. It hides under the beds of children at night, waiting for the child to ...Find What Makes You Happy
For the past couple weeks, I have felt unnaturally energetic. Now, it’s no secret that I’m a pretty enthusiastic person online. I’m often compared to the silly, energetic characters in movies. However, generally, it doesn’t usually match my actual “in person” energy levels. I’m not ashamed to talk about my depression and mental health. I’ve ...