• American solider

    My American soldier.Head held high,unafraid to fight.Unafraid to die. For thosehe loves in thisblessed country,and for their freedom. Because he believes inthe wordsfreedom, liberty,justice for all. “Why must you go?”I cry, everyteardropa scar on my heart. Every step hetakes, breaks myspirit further, mysoul crys in anguish. Is it selfish to needhim here, even ashis country ...
  • little girl in pink hat standing in field of grass

    It’s a strange worldwe have foundourselves in. America is nowpublic enemynumber one. The patriots areunwelcome andracist. Racism only appliestoward the“white supremacists”. For they are as evil and sinisteras devils right? When will we learn towake up and realizewe’re the same. For we’re connectedand bleed red,white and blue. Have we forgottenwhat it meansto be human? For ...
  • United states flag

    Everywhere I go,I see destruction. Right or left,Up or down. Righteous or wicked,Free or enslaved. “None of it matters,You don’t matter” Is their motto,In our paradise. Double standard,Is their logic. In our country,Hateful and Jaded. Brainwashed,Deluded. Hypocritical,Prideful. “Surely not,My good sir!” You protest,In defense. Wake up!Wake up! For hate and evil,Exists in all men. Stereotypes ...
  • 1705

    Independence Day is one of the best days. It’s just a big summer party to celebrate history and the beginning of our nation. But if you find yourself struggling to find the good in the 4th of July, here are some reasons to love it. 1. Food [iframe src=”//giphy.com/embed/jKaFXbKyZFja0″ width=”480″ height=”406″ frameBorder=”0″] It’s like having ...