• little girl in pink hat standing in field of grass

    It’s a strange worldwe have foundourselves in. America is nowpublic enemynumber one. The patriots areunwelcome andracist. Racism only appliestoward the“white supremacists”. For they are as evil and sinisteras devils right? When will we learn towake up and realizewe’re the same. For we’re connectedand bleed red,white and blue. Have we forgottenwhat it meansto be human? For ...
  • Tree in front of a golden moon

    First Date Two shy and lonely people met amidst the magic of the starry night. Love is enchanting, so it meandered through the lovers’ hearts. The attraction fluttered in every cell of their bodies. She knew he was the one; he would ask her to marry him. He couldn’t be without her. The first date brought delightful giddiness where ...