• A goddess holding a person

    Creativity can be a curse. The perfect ideas come at the worst time. Like while showering, and the closest place to capture the brilliance is in the next room. The common solution suggests writing whatever ideas stay in the mind when the opportunity to commit them to paper arises. This may be an effective technique ...
  • Person leaning elbow on a table, holding hands on head looking down at laptop

        Fantasy is a favorite genre of mine ever since the creation of my own planet at age five to get through physical therapy. The most important aspect of Fantasy in my opinion is the world where your story takes place. I know what you are thinking: Aren’t the characters and plot the most ...
  • Hand protecting a little girl

    Imposter syndrome is real. A novel idea that won’t go away. Stories that stay in drawers won’t become the next literary phenomenon. Writing can be torture. Each word feels like navigating a field of Legos barefoot in total darkness. After a few sore toes with a stream of curse words, the end is in sight. ...
  • Crumpled up paper next to note pad

    Sometimes, when I write, I get nervous about what my readers will think if I decide to change the course of the story. They won’t know what changes were made unless I tell them. The draft may not convey the same story. Why concern yourself with future opinions? These are reasons you can’t write. Comparison  ...
  • Two heads one with ideas the other questions

    New story ideas are one of the best moments in a writer’s life. It’s a new adventure to take, new lessons to learn, and new characters to meet. You feel alive, like you can’t wait to see how the story will unfold. Where do you start? Here are a few places that are fun to ...
  • Light peeking through the clouds

    November was busy for me. I had an amazing trip with my best friend, filled out many job applications, and attempted to write 50,000 words. Normally, I would be discouraged if I didn’t accomplish my goal. However, I wrote and acted in a 24-hour play festival. It was equal parts fun and stressful. I’ve always ...
  • girl looking at rose

    I’ve long been disappointed with the lack of diverse characters in popular fiction today. My current work in progress is an attempt to shrink the gap. However, yesterday I almost stopped. My current project is an interracial fantasy romance. My female main character is Afro-Latina, and her love interest is Asian. Oppression is seen as ...
  • Writing

    Last week, I made the difficult decision to switch mental health providers. I wasn’t getting what I needed out of our sessions. We spent the majority of the time discussing current events and arguing about various things. They liked to tell me things, and I felt like I wasn’t being heard. My love of reading ...
  • Writing

    November is a time for good food, embracing body hair, and the start of the holiday season. Starbucks comes out with their holiday drinks just in time for me to drown my writing woes in Caramel Brûlée. Nanowrimo is here. The time of year when I question if this was the correct career choice because ...